Dr. Steven Lamm, As Seen On “The View”
Sports nutrition for recovery
Before talking about the role of sports nutrition in the body’s recovery process after physical activity, I would like to pay some attention to the fact that many athletes underestimate the role of recovery. Of course, if we take people who are passionate about functional training or martial arts, it goes without saying that their training pace simply does not allow them to recover for more than a day, which is catastrophically small by our body’s standards. In this and many other cases, sports supplements will help you fully revive your body after the stress of training.
The role of sports nutrition
Sports nutrition after a hard workout can be used for various purposes, depending on what you are striving for. For example, it is important for bodybuilders to build leaner, high-quality muscle mass and for weightlifters to acquire strength characteristics and so-called strength endurance. Sports nutrition allows athletes to provide their body with most nutrients in a timely manner, which not only increases training productivity, but also affects the athlete’s health and well-being. We will talk about how and why this happens and the main types of sports nutrition for recovery, we will talk further.
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Protein blends are very important for a full recovery, because if your body does not receive the necessary amount of building materials for the muscles (proteins and amino acids contained in it) at the right time, as a result, it will begin to destroy the structures muscles damaged during training.
- Whey protein will restore muscle tissue more quickly and, above all, isolate or hydrolyze. Dymatize’s ISO-100 whey isolates and Syntrax’s Nectar have proven themselves well. Enriched with glutamine and 4-hydroxy-isoleucine, ISO Sensation from Ultimate Nutrition will help control insulin production and thus only increase lean muscle mass. Zero Carb Isolate from VPX, completely free of fat and carbohydrates, can easily handle the same task. Also check out Optimum Nutrition’s Platinum Hydrowhey, which is a BCAA-fortified hydrolyzate.
- But don’t forget the overnight recovery: casein protein protects well from catabolism for 6-8 hours. The most profitable representative of caseins is Casein Protein under the Pure Protein brand.
- However, you can kill two birds with one stone – to provide the body with protein immediately after training and for prolonged periods, using a multi-component protein: complex blends combine the benefits of both proteins and fast than slow.
If you want the most delicious and affordable sports nutrition for recovery, check out Protein Bars – Protein Bars are represented by entire lines of sports chocolates from Weider and Power Sistem, as well as bars from other brands, because almost all companies include them in its assortment.
Gainers and carbohydrate blends
High-calorie mixtures, in which the main components are proteins and carbohydrates in various proportions (with an emphasis on a high protein or carbohydrate content), contribute not only to the growth of muscle mass but also to the accumulation of energy in cell tissues.
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It is especially important for muscle integrity to use a gainer before training or immediately after during the “anabolic window” – 30 minutes, which is the most important thing for recovery. Here, Pure Protein’s Multicomponent Gainer (high-carb gainer) is the best option for price and quality, but serious athletes often still prefer the “classics”: Optimum Nutrition’s Serious Mass (high-carb gainer), True Mass by BSN (high-protein gainer) or increase your mass from MHP (High Protein Gainer).
During the “anabolic window” it is advisable to use special carbohydrate products: the intake of 50-100 grams of medium complexity carbohydrates (most carbohydrate complexes, cereals, starchy vegetables, flour products) 30 -40 minutes after your workout will greatly improve your recovery. We recommend that those who are prone to overweight consume carbohydrates in smaller quantities and only complex ones.
To replenish the body’s energy reserves, it is necessary to take creatine after training in an average amount of 5 grams. By the way, immediately after training, creatine is absorbed in the best possible way. It will reduce recovery times in both a mass gaining program and a weight loss program, creatine is especially effective after strength training or other short intense exercises. In addition, this source for the production of ATP reduces the activity of lactic acid,
Amino acids
The amino acid compounds already extracted from the protein structure will allow you to fill damaged muscles during training with a building component much faster. Furthermore, many amino acids are responsible for the recovery processes themselves, stimulating your anabolism. You can choose complex or single amino acids, the most effective of the latter are:
- BCAA. A few grams of amino acids with a branched lateral structure will reliably protect muscles from tooth decay, as well as stimulate the secretion of anabolic hormones and cell growth processes in general, especially if their leucine content is increased (e.g. BCAA 8: 1 : 1 from VPLab or BCAA Complex by Scitec Nutrition with a ratio of leucine, valine and isoleucine of 8: 1: 1).
Glutamine. Most of the amino acids in muscles are glutamine, so there is no need to explain how important it is to supply it to the body. In addition, about 5 grams of glutamine will not only restore muscle tissue, but also activate the secretion of growth hormone.
Vitamins and minerals
Also, for a full recovery, you will need vitamins and minerals. And do not underestimate the role of vitamins and minerals (often athletes do not get the maximum result for this), because they have a huge impact not only on the processes of anabolism but also on the entire health of the athlete as a whole, being catalysts and participants needed in almost all reactions. metabolism.
The best bet here is:
boiling vitamins C and E as the best antioxidants are of great importance for the restoration of the body since after training the level of free radicals increases many times;
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- B vitamins are essential for an athlete: protein synthesis, joint health, the absence of injuries and convulsions and much more depend on them;
- magnesium and zinc – macronutrient magnesium is necessary for ATP processes to take place and, with a deficiency of the trace element zinc, people have problems with testosterone, without a normal level of which there is no point in talking about recovery, so it pays pay attention to ZMA supplements, which include, in addition to zinc and magnesium, also vitamin B6 for better absorption.
Also, if you feel that your diet does not have sufficient sources of vitamins and minerals, include in your diet a general strengthening complex containing the daily norm of vitamins and minerals for an active person and for athletes who train hard we recommend vitamins and supplements minerals, such as Universal Nutrition’s Animal Pak.
What Helps Muscles Recover Faster?
how to recover quickly after a sports workout
Apathy, pain and discomfort in the muscles are not yet a sign of weakness. This is proof that the body has not recovered after an active workout. In this he needs help. Rest is an essential step after training. It is regeneration that has a positive effect on achieving the desired results.
Here are some tips to speed up recovery:
appropriate nutrition;
warm-up before lessons;
water procedures;
These are just some of the tips. After visiting the gym or in cases where there is physical work, you should follow these tips
drink more water
Body fluids play an important role. Muscles are 75% water. A correct consumption regimen allows you to recover faster, get rid of fatigue and improve digestion. Drinking enough water helps not only to achieve high results in sports, but also to recover faster after exercise. Only you need to drink not tea, juice, coffee. At the end of the workout and in the following hours, it is advisable to consume water. This will remove toxins from the body, reduce pain. It is necessary to drink water not only after sports activities, but also on time.
Nutrition as a means of recovery
It is necessary to ensure that the diet is as complete as possible. The menu should contain vitamins, carbohydrates, fats. Before training, it is better to use something from the proposed list:
Orange juice;
Greek yogurt;
any berry.
During exercise, the body consumes a lot of energy, so it needs to be restored. To do this, you need to consume proteins, which are so necessary for the muscles. An hour after training, carbohydrates are allowed. It is best to discuss your nutrition with a specialist who will help you develop a menu.
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What vitamins help repair muscle damage?
Vitamins for fitness and recovery
Denis bets
runner and editor of SportPriority
“It’s good that we live in the 21st century: an entire industry works for our health: the pharmaceutical industry. Medicines and all kinds of drugs not only alleviate diseases and prevent them, but also help us cope with additional stress. The new sporting records are also due to this. Concentrated proteins and carbohydrates, amino acids – thank you. And then there are vitamins – they help cope with painful sensations and support our body before, during and after training. About a bunch of vitamins and fitness – this article.
First of all, remember that vitamins are not medicines in a general sense. Most of them do not cure specific diseases, unless there is a lack of certain substances in the body. Vitamins only help the body get what it might be missing in regular food. In addition, they accelerate the recovery processes of the body, so they are very useful for the athlete. Let’s find out what vitamins we need, where to find them and what useful complexes you can safely buy at the pharmacy. After consulting a therapist, of course.
Vitamin A
It helps the immune system to fight against substances that are harmful to the body, is good for the eyes, accelerates the recovery of internal organs after training. Beneficial for the health of skin, hair and bones, it is a good antioxidant.
Sources of vitamin A – salmon and other salmon, squash, carrots, apricots, almonds, melons, some organ meats.
Vitamins of group B
This group of vitamins is quite different in chemical formulas, but in general they have roughly the same effect on the body. Vitamins of group B are very important for the body, as they help to cope with various tasks: they contribute to the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates from food, restore muscles and participate in the construction of cells. Massive people need it, even cardio lovers (after all, the heart is a muscle too).
B vitamins are found in carrots and beets, legumes, dates, pomegranate, pumpkin, fatty red fish, whole grains.
C vitamin
Vitamin C helps with sore muscles after a hard workout. It is a powerful antioxidant that affects collagen synthesis: it repairs damage to blood vessels, skin, connective tissue and tendons and helps get rid of accumulated lactic acid more quickly.
This vitamin is abundant in fruits, vegetables and berries, it is not necessary to buy a synthetic version at the pharmacy. Lots of vitamin C in citrus fruits, peppers, raspberries, blueberries, melon, pineapple, broccoli and zucchini.
Vitamin D
It also contributes to the rapid recovery of muscle tissue, helps the body to accumulate calcium faster – this is necessary for the strength of bones and muscles. Vitamin D has a positive effect on the immune system and reduces inflammation.
You can find it in oily fish (or just fish oil capsules), whole grains, eggs and milk. And you can also go out on a clear day and get some sun: sunlight stimulates the body to produce vitamin D on its own.
Vitamin E
Restores muscles by neutralizing creatine phosphokinase in the blood, increases blood flow – this again affects the removal of accumulated “fatigue toxins”, binds free radicals, preventing cell destruction.
A lot of vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, whole grains, olives and avocados and almonds.
Synthetic vitamins are no different than natural ones, but eating fruits and vegetables is healthier nonetheless. The advantages of non-natural ones are that you will surely know the dose – two apples from a box can have completely different concentrations of sugar and vitamins. In pharmacies you can also find vitamin complexes, which, although not intended for athletes, are quite suitable for them. There are many myths about such complexes, for example, one of the most popular is that some vitamins allegedly cannot be absorbed by each other or, on the contrary, interfere with each other.
All of this is nothing more than a lack of customer awareness, marketing moves, or intrigues from competitors. So, quite recently it was still believed that all the benefits of fresh carrots are meaningless without the presence of cream, which is not true. But cafes could sell a serving of cream for every glass of carrot juice.
You shouldn’t trust unless unknown brands – the drug and dietary supplement market suffers from fakes. Well-known brands are trying to more reliably protect vitamin packaging from fakes, and this is easy to verify. Vitamin complexes a
There are also specific vitamin complexes for women. These multivitamins are also suitable for men, but their composition is more studied for the physiological characteristics of the female body. “Opti-Women”, “Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula”, “Universal Animal Pak” (with polyunsaturated fatty acids, great for professional bodybuilders), “Vita Complex” by Lady Fitness, “Ultimate” by Coral Club (reduced dosage).
It is not recommended to constantly take multivitamins, as the body gets used to the influx of everything it needs in the finished form and will be “lazy” to extract vitamins and minerals from food and slow down its own synthesis. Both separately and as part of the complex, vitamins must be taken in cycles, taking a break (usually at least a month, read the instructions on the package).
Which supplement is best for muscle recovery?
Muscle recovery after training is a rather painful process for beginners in sports and for those who irrationally load their body. Special nutrition and a properly designed training program will help avoid or reduce discomfort after the gym.
After training you need:
Restore the water balance in the body.
Give the muscles material to recover.
Restore lost energy resources.
The first thing to do after exercise is to drink 500ml of water in 1 hour. In the training process, a lot of fluid comes out with sweat and the body needs to replenish the resources spent to recover. Without water you will feel exhausted, lethargic and hungry.
Drinking water is necessary, but it does not completely solve the main problem – the restoration and elimination of pain. Sports supplements effectively cope with these tasks. What to take exactly:
Protein. It is the basis for muscles, their growth and recovery. Take a protein shake 30 minutes after training and before bed.
BCAA amino acids. The amino acid complex is needed to stop the muscle breakdown process and the production of anabolic hormones. Thanks to these additives, pain is reduced, subsequent workouts become effective. It is recommended that you take BCAA amino acids before and after going to the gym.
Creatine One of the most effective means for muscle recovery after training. Creatine provides muscles with the energy they need to grow and also prevents their destruction. This type of sports supplement must be taken in combination with carbohydrates and proteins.
Isotonic. To restore the balance of electrolytes in the body and accelerate its recovery, we need isotonics. They may contain L-carnitine, which promotes the conversion of fat into energy.
Glutamine. This is an amino acid that strengthens the immune system and increases the protective functions of the body. Glutamine also reduces post-workout pain and accelerates muscle recovery.
By taking protein, creatine monohydrate, isotonics, and other supplements, you can build muscle without experiencing post-workout pain.